November 9, 2010

Italy's monuments falling down from neglect

Many of the ancient Roman sites, even some as rich in history and mythology as the Palatine Hill, are suffering from neglect and crumbling under the weight of the Italian bureaucracy. Read the appalling article here:

1 comment:

  1. MBA Entrance Exams :-- Last Week Tips on Psycho Somatic

    With time closing in, building of pressure is inevitable. Please don’t get nervous. Nervousness will affect
    your performance. You have so far done your best, now is the time to calmly revise. At any perceptible sign
    of anxiety, breathe deeply ten to twelve times and feel relaxed. Ensure good sleep for at least 6 hours. Take
    a brisk walk for at least 20 to 30 minutes, preferably in the morning when you get good fresh air. Your brain
    cells need oxygen. Feed it.

    Last week planning:

    MBA Entrance Exams :-- Last Week Tips

    Plan your study schedule and abide by it. Put down summary details and go through the same periodically. Make
    sure that concepts are clear to you. Trying to memorize something is much easier when concepts are clear then

    MBA Entrance Exams
