February 12, 2009

National German Exam Yields Impressive Results

MBA German students once again achieved excellent results on the National German Exam. In the Level III Category, Patrick Clarke Pat Killian, and David Horak tied for first out of 190 Tennessee Students who took the exam and ranked in the 99th percentile nationally. Additionally, Wesley Wilson placed 5th in the state (95th percentile), Sam Denney and Harding McCall placed 6th (97th percentile), Thomas More placed 9th (96th percentile), Michal Zienkiewicz placed 14th (95th percentile), Alex Martin placed 18th (93rd percentile), Gaige Bolden placed 22nd (92nd percentile), and Sam Page placed 26th (90th percentile).

In the Level II competition, Will McCaskill was 2nd out of 293 Tennessee students (99th percentile nationally), Max Werthan was 14th (98th percentile), Matt Vanek was 16th (97th percentile), Alexander Hornbuckle was 21st (96th percentile), and Lee Grubbs was 32nd (93rd percentile).

Congratulations to these students!

1 comment:

  1. And congratulations to their teacher, Herr Jonathan Sawyer, who has led these students to their impressive results!
