In June, MBA German students Chase Pruett and Marshall Sorenson took part in a 2-week exchange program to Nashville's Sister City of Magdeburg, Germany. The exchange, led by Herr Sawyer, also included two students from Brentwood High School.
Following here are pictures and two email updates that Herr Sawyer sent to participants' families during the trip.
Fun was had by all, and the students learned much in the classroom of daily immersion!
(2 Emails from June 4-20th 2010)
1)Good evening from Magdeburg!
It is Monday evening, 7pm, and I have just returned from the city. We had a very full, very fun day here. I met the students at the Dom Gymnasium (prep school) at 8 am -- all students visited the same school today. There, we visited two english classes --one a sixth class, the other an 11th class. In the sixth class, we were assigned to groups of young students, and they interviewed us about all sorts of topics ranging from Miley Cyrus to Obama! Their level of skill in English was astounding -- they are only in their second formal year of instruction. In the 11th class, we spoke about gun control, the war in Iraq, Germany´s involvement in the war in Afghanistan, Palin, stereotypes of German and Americans, and lots more -- fascinating discussion.
Afterwards, we were led on a tour of the city's famous Gothic Cathedral -- the Dom. An English teacher from the Dom Gymnasium led the tour and explained all about the ancient structure which dates back to the 1200s! The students were quite impressed and they took many photos. Several students from the 11th class also joined us for the tour.
We next took the streetcar to Hasselbachplatz to eat lunch at a Doener-kebab restaurant. I had Chase lead the way -- he was successful at finding the correct line for us and helping us to the location. Doener is Germany's favorite fast food. It is turkish -- the largest immigrant population here are the Turks. Everyone enjoyed eating this specialty of modern German culture and sharing first impressions and funny stories.
We lastly went on a double decker bus tour of the entire city to give the students an overview of the great city of Magdeburg. This was interesting. Again, several photos were taken, and much fun was had by all.
The boys and Breanna seem to be enjoying themselves immensely. Each has had unique, individual experiences over the past few days, and I have been thrilled to hear about them. They all say that their German is improving greatly :) Tomorrow we will meet the mayor and have a small meeting with him and with several city council members. We will also be interviewed by the local newspaper. We will finish the day with an open-air viewing of the production of the musical "Evita."
I am so proud of the students for their efforts to broaden their cultural and linguistic understanding. It is a great pleasure to be here with them.
I will be in touch again later this week.
Bis dann --until then!
Jonathan Sawyer
2) Guten Abend aus Magdeburg! Good evening from Magdeburg (here it is 6pm Friday).
We have had quite a week! The weather has been absolutely beautiful -- although quite hot at times (nearing 90 without any Klima Anlage-- A/C). We have all gotten quite tan from being out in the sun so much. Don't worry, I have sun tan lotion for the students!
Tuesday of this week, we began the day with a tour of the city's town hall and a meeting with my host father -- a city councilman of 20 years in the SPD party. He shared stories of the former East Germany and about his involvement in the so-called "Monday Demonstrations" that very much played a role in the fall of the Wall and the ultimate freedom of all East Germans. He also told us something about the structure of the German government. We then met with the mayor's assistant and were invited to sign the official guest book of the city. This is considered quite an honor. Each student also received a certificate of citizenship and appreciation for their efforts and participation in the project to bring our two cities together in partnership and friendship. Afterwards, we were interviewed for the local paper. I have attached the fine article and photo.
That evening, we went to the open air production of Evita on the Dom-Platz square. It was amazing to see the production outside at night. It was also fun to hear the differences in the lyrics, as the production has been translated into German. It was a great exercise in comprehension for the students!
Wednesday, we spent a lot of time boating. The day started with a four hour boat tour of Magdeburg's locks and waterways. The weather was perfect, so we sat on the top deck and sunned ourselves while enjoying the sights. The students will have to tell you all about the famous waterbridge. That evening, the students were invited to canoe in a dragonboat along the Elbe river. There was a large competition of the best canoe athletes from all around the world taking place at the time, so we were able to watch some great events. In addition, there was a nice barbecue and party.
On Thursday, we visited the local zoo, where the students had the opportunity to play with goats, see elephants close up, and learn many German words for animals! Later, we traveled through town on a streetcar from the early 1900's.
Today, we visited the city's museum of history and culture. In the afternoon, we sunned ourselves and enjoyed the beautiful weather at a lake.
This weekend, many students will travel with their hosts to Dresden or Leipzig. I am excited to hear their stories come Monday.
I wish you all a schoenes Wochenende. In the coming week, we will travel to Berlin!
Mit freundlichen Gruessen,